Zoning Definitions

Individual tax parcel zoning can be queried using the 'Zoning' option under the 'Query' menu in the Johnston County Internet Application. The County and each municipality maintain their own zoning codes. A general definition of each zoning is listed on this page. For additional information on Johnston County zoning, please refer to the Johnston County Land Development Code or contact the Johnston County Planning Department at (919) 989-5150. For additional information on municipality zoning, please contact the town directly.


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Zoning Codes

Johnston County - (919) 989-5150

AR: Agricultural and Residential. This includes houses, churches, etc. With a special use permit, uses can include kennels, day cares, community centers, etc.

RR: Resort/Residential. Campgrounds, stables, marinas, etc.

R-MHP: Residential-Mobile Home Parks.

OI: Office and Institutional. Hospitals, doctor's offices, banks, libraries, etc.

GB: General Business. Hotels, gas stations, lumber yards, auto repair, restaurants, etc.

CB: Community Business. Churches, restaurants, day care, convenience stores, etc.

NB: Neighborhood Business. Business uses limited to small scale churches, restaurants, day care, convenience stores, etc.

I-1: Light Industrial. Boat sales, cabinet shops, lumber yards, electronics manufacturing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, industrial supply sales and service, etc.

I-2: Heavy Industrial. Auto repair garages, junk yards, sawmills, concrete plants, milling operations, etc.

PUD: Planned Unit Development. Comprehensively planned communities where some light business is to be expected as part of the development where designated on the approved master plan.

IHI: Interstate Highway Interchange. Uses commonly found at the interchange of interstates. These include restaurants, gas stations, grocery stores, hotels, offices, etc.

SUD: Special Use District. Each of the zoning districts above have an associated Special Use Districts which restrict uses based on specific development approvals. .

AHH: Airport Height Hazard District.

ESA: Environmentally Sensitive Area District. Limits residential development within the Floodplain.

WSPD: Water Supply Watershed Protection District. Limits built upon / impervious areas.

MTD: Municipal Transition District. Allows for greater residential densities on the fringe of the towns.

CLD: County Landfill.


Archer Lodge –(919-359-9727)

AR: Agricultural-Residential. The Agricultural-Residential District (AR) is intended to encourage the continuance of agricultural uses as well as to ensure that residential development of appropriate intensities that are consonant with the suitability of land, availability of public services, accessibility to major activity centers, and transportation systems, and that are compatible with surrounding development, will occur at appropriate density to provide a healthful environment.

SFR-1: Single-Family Residential District. The Single-Family Residential District (SFR-1) is intended to encourage that single-family residential development will occur at lower densities to provide for a range of housing opportunities throughout the town. Further, it is the intention of the regulations of this district to ensure that residential development having access and connecting to public water and sanitary sewer systems will occur within a healthful environment.

SFR-2: Single-Family Residential District. The Single-Family Residential District (SFR-2) is intended to encourage that single-family residential development will occur at medium densities to provide for a range of housing opportunities throughout the town. Further, it is the intention of the regulations of this district to ensure that residential development having access and connecting to public water and sanitary sewer systems will occur within a healthful environment.

SFR-3: Single-Family Residential District. The Single-Family Residential District (SFR-3) is intended to encourage that single-family residential development will occur at medium densities to provide for a range of housing opportunities throughout the town. Further, it is the intention of the regulations of this district to ensure that residential development having access and connecting to public water and sanitary sewer systems will occur within a healthful environment.

R-MHP: Residential-Manufactured Home Park District. The Residential-Manufactured Home Park District (R-MHP) is intended to provide for affordable residential development that addresses residential needs as well as to ensure that specific residential development of appropriate intensities consonant with the suitability of land and transportation systems, and that are compatible with surrounding development, will occur at sufficient density to provide a healthful environment.

OI: Office and Institutional District. The Office and Institutional District (OI) is intended to provide for office, institutional, educational, research, public service uses and their necessary support functions, while minimizing conflicts with adjoining land uses.

NB: Neighborhood Business District. The Neighborhood Business District (NB) is intended to provide for the development of commercial and service centers that serve the daily commercial needs, are accessible by residents from the immediate neighborhood, and are of such a nature so as to minimize conflicts with surrounding residential areas.

CB: Community Business District. The Community Business District (CB) is intended to provide for the development of commercial and service centers that serve communities' commercial needs, are accessible by residents from the community and surrounding neighborhoods, and are of such a nature so as to minimize conflicts with surrounding residential areas.

Benson - (919) 894-4953

R-20/AR: Single-Family Residential-20/AgricultureThis district is comprised of low density, single family dwellings, and other selected uses which are compatible with the open and rural character of the area. The established regulations for this district are designed to promote and encourage an environment for family life and agriculture. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted

R-11: Single-Family Residential–11 Established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment. Intended to maintain residential areas at relatively low densities characterized predominantly by owner-occupied, single-family detached units. The district requirements protect existing neighborhoods from undesirable uses and residential conversions. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities

R-6: Single-Family Residential–6 Established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment. Intended to protect, preserve and enhance existing residential areas of higher density which include multifamily dwellings mixed with other housing types. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

O-R: Office–Residential Intended to accommodate modest-scale professional occupations, along with single-family and multifamily residential units, to serve as a neighborhood activity center and as a transition between residential and more intense commercial uses.

O-I: Office–Institutional Intended to permit offices, institutions and associated administrative, executive, professional and research uses in new and existing structures and limited retail uses. Such offices and instructional user should be located along major roadways, adjacent to commercial uses to act as a buffer between such roadways and residential uses.

B-1: Central–Business Intended to foster a vibrant, safe, Town center by encouraging residential development while retaining and further developing a broad range of commercial, office, institutional, public, cultural, and entertainment uses and activities. The district is intended to define and promote the Town center as a desirable place to live, work and recreate

B-2: Neighborhood–Business Provides for small-scale commercial uses offering primarily convenience shopping and services for adjacent residential areas. Proximity to residences requires that commercial operations are low intensity, unobtrusive and conducted at a scale and density compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. There is a relatively low demand on public services, transportation and utilities

B-3: Highway–Business Provides locations of offices, service uses, and businesses retailing durable and convenience goods for the community as a whole. Located on major and minor thoroughfares and, therefore, are accessible to and serve the entire community. Site design and buffering mitigate impacts of traffic, operations and scale on adjacent businesses and residential neighborhoods.

I-1: Industrial–Light Promotes the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Industries should be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner, and should not be obnoxious to nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities. The regulations of this district are intended to prohibit the use of land for industries, that by their nature, may create some nuisance to surrounding properties.

I-2: Industrial–Heavy Promotes the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Indented for heavy industries that, by their nature, may create some nuisance, and which are not properly associated with or are compatible with nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities.

PD-R: Planned Development-Residential Intended to provide for master-planned residential communities containing a mix of housing types, including associated amenities with appropriate perimeter buffering and open space. This district is primarily intended for large-scale residential projects that require either additional flexibility not available in the residential districts, or greater scrutiny by the Town due to their scale.

PD-C: Planned Development-CommercialIntended to enhance the design of a commercial development by allowing for additional flexibility not available in the nonresidential districts. The district allows for innovations and special features in site development, including the location and type of structures, the conservation of natural features, the conservation of energy, and the efficient use of open space.

PD-I: Planned Development-IndustrialIntended to provide a means of achieving unified industrial complexes of high quality to promote amenities beyond those expected under conventional techniques, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well-planned industrial developments that provide for community needs, to provide for appropriate use of land which is significantly unique in its physical characteristics, location or other circumstances to warrant special methods of development, and to allow the expansion of existing industrial areas while safeguarding and maintaining the integrity of surrounding uses, especially those of a residential nature.

PD-MU: Planned Development-Mixed UseIndented to provide for coordinated mixed use developments which include light industrial, commercial, office, educational, civic, institutional, residential and service uses within a planned development with appropriate perimeter buffering and open space. The variety of land uses available in this district allows flexibility to respond to market demands and the needs of tenants, which provides for a variety of physically and functionally integrated land uses.

Clayton - (919) 553-5002

R-E : Residential-Estate. The R-E district is comprised of low density, single-family dwellings, and other selected uses which are compatible with the open and rural character of the area. The established regulations for this district are designed to promote and encourage an environment for family life and agriculture. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted

R-10: Single-Family Residential-10. The R-10 district is established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment and is intended to maintain residential areas at relatively low densities characterized predominantly by owner-occupied, single-family detached units. The district requirements protect existing neighborhoods from undesirable or incompatible uses. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

R-8: Single-Family Residential-8. The R-8 district is established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment and is intended to maintain residential areas at suburban densities characterized predominantly by owner-occupied, single-family detached units. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

R-6: Single-Family Residential-6. The R-6 district is established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment. Intended to protect, preserve and enhance existing residential areas of higher density which include multi-family dwellings mixed with other housing types. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

O-R: Office-Residential. The O-R district is intended to accommodate modest-scale professional occupations, along with single-family and multi-family residential units, to serve as a neighborhood activity center and as a transition between residential and more intense commercial uses.

O-I: Office-Institutional. The O-I district is intended to permit offices, institutions and associated administrative, executive, professional and research uses in new and existing structures and limited retail uses. Such offices and instructional uses should be located along major roadways, adjacent to commercial uses to act as a buffer between such roadways and residential uses.

B-1: Central-Business. The B-1 district is intended to foster a vibrant, safe, town center by encouraging residential development while retaining and further developing a broad range of commercial, office, institutional, public, cultural and entertainment uses and activities. The district is intended to define and promote the town center as a desirable place to live, work and recreate.

B-2: Neighborhood-Business. The B-2 district provides opportunities for small-scale commercial uses offering primarily convenience shopping and services for adjacent residential areas. Proximity to residences requires that commercial operations are low intensity, unobtrusive and conducted at a scale and density compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. There is a relatively low demand on public services, transportation and utilities.

B-3: Highway-Business. The B-3 district provides locations of offices, service uses, and businesses retailing durable and convenience goods for the community as a whole. Located on major and minor thoroughfares and, therefore, are accessible to and serve the entire community. Site design and buffering mitigate impacts of traffic, operations and scale on adjacent businesses and residential neighborhoods.

I-1: Industrial-Light. The I-1 district fosters the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Industries should be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner, and should not be obnoxious to nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities. The regulations of this district are intended to prohibit the use of land for industries that by their nature may create some nuisance to surrounding properties.

I-2: Industrial-Heavy. The I-2 district fosters the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Intended for heavy industries that, by their nature, may create some nuisance, and which are not properly associated with or are compatible with nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities.

PF: Public Facilities. The PF district is established to provide a coordinated land planning approach to the sale, rent, lease, purchase, management, or alteration of publicly owned or operated lands. Notwithstanding those public uses permitted elsewhere in this Code, the PF district is primarily intended for, although not limited to, public parks and recreation areas, public buildings and facilities, and other capital improvements of a significant nature. (Ord. 2015-09-03, passed 09-28-15)

PD-R: Planned Development-Residential. The PD-R district provides opportunities for master-planned residential communities containing a mix of housing types, including associated amenities with appropriate perimeter buffering and open space. This district is primarily intended for large-scale residential projects that require either additional flexibility not available in a residential district or greater scrutiny by the town due to their scale.

PD-C: Planned Development-Commercial. The PD-C district is intended to enhance the design of a commercial development by allowing for additional flexibility not available in the nonresidential districts. The district allows for innovations and special features in site development, including the location and type of structures, the conservation of natural features, the conservation of energy, and the efficient use of open space.

PD-I: Planned Development-Industrial. The PD-I district is intended to provide a means of achieving unified industrial complexes of high quality to promote amenities beyond those expected under conventional techniques, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well-planned industrial developments that provide for community needs, to provide for appropriate use of land which is significantly unique in its physical characteristics, location or other circumstances to warrant special methods of development, and to allow the expansion of existing industrial areas while safeguarding and maintaining the integrity of surrounding uses, especially those of a residential nature.

PD-MU: Planned Development-Mixed Use. The PD-MU district is intended to provide coordinated mixed use developments which include light industrial, commercial, office, educational, civic, institutional, residential and service uses within a planned development with appropriate perimeter buffering and open space. The variety of land uses available in this district allows flexibility to respond to market demands and the needs of tenants, which provides for a variety of physically and functionally integrated land uses. p>

Four Oaks - (919) 963-3112

R8-5S: Medium – Density Single Family Residential District – The purpose of this district is to provide for single-family dwellings on 8,500 square foot lots. The regulations of this district are intended to discourage any use which, because of its character, would be a nuisance to the development of single-family dwellings and would be detrimental to the quiet residential nature of the areas included within this district. All residences shall meet criteria in Article II General provisions, Section 211. & Amendment 2 & 3.

R6-: High Density Residential District – The purpose of this district is to provide a location for single family on compact lots, duplex and multifamily dwellings. Multifamily developments are special uses in this district. All residences shall meet criteria in Article II, General Provisions, Section 211 & Amend 2& 3.

B-2H: Highway Business District – The purpose of this district is to provide area for those retail trade and service uses which are properly located on major thoroughfares.

R-6MH: Manufactured Home Residential District – The purpose of this district is to provide areas for manufactured homes on individual lots, as well as other single-family residential uses.R-A: Residential-Agricultural – The purpose of this district is to retain the open characteristics and agricultural of the land. All residence shall meet criteria in Article II, General Provisions, Section 2.11. & Amendment 2 &3

B-1C: Central Business District – The purpose of this district is to provide for those uses most appropriately located in the central commercial area of Four Oaks.

I-1L: Light Industrial District – The purpose of this district is to provide areas in which the principal use of land is for industries which can be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner.
I-2H: Heavy Industrial District – The purpose of this district is to provide areas for industrial activity which by its nature, may tend to create effects which would make it incompatible with other land uses.

R8.5M: Medium Density Modular Homes – The purpose of this district is to provide locations for modular homes. All residences shall meet criteria in Article II. General Provisions, Section 2.11. & Amendment 2& 3.

TND – Traditional Neighborhood Development Special use District- The purpose of this district is to provide flexibility to planned residential developments with predominately single family uses and a nix of complementary non- residential uses with reduced setbacks and features such as sidewalks and street trees.
MC – Major Commercial – The purpose of this district is to provide for large shopping centers and big box retail development.

Kenly - (919) 284-2116

R-20:Residential District-AR -This district is comprised of low density, single family dwellings, and other selected uses which are compatible with the open and rural character of the area. The established regulations for this district are designed to promote and encourage an environment for family life and agriculture. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted.

R-11:Single Family Residential--Established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment. Intended to maintain residential areas at relatively low densities characterized predominantly by owner-occupied, single-family detached units. The district requirements protect existing neighborhoods from undesirable uses and residential conversions. To encourage higher quality development and to ensure greater environmental protection, open space subdivisions are permitted. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

R-6: Single Family Residential -Established to provide for orderly suburban residential development and redevelopment. Intended to protect, preserve and enhance existing residential areas of higher density which include multifamily dwellings mixed with other housing types. A special permit process for higher intensity development is also allowed, using discretion to balance issues of higher density with improved amenities.

R-10MF: Multi-Family Residential

R-10MH: Mobile Home Residential

B-1: Central Business - Intended to foster a vibrant, safe, Town center by encouraging residential development while retaining and further developing a broad range of commercial, office, institutional, public, and cultural and entertainment uses and activities. The district is intended to define and promote the Town center as a desirable place to live, work and recreate.

B-2:Highway Business -Provides for small-scale commercial uses offering primarily convenience shopping and services for adjacent residential areas. Proximity to residences requires that commercial operations are low intensity, unobtrusive and conducted at a scale and density compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. There is a relatively low demand on public services, transportation and utilities.

B-3:General Business -Provides locations of offices, service uses, and businesses retailing durable and convenience goods for the community as a whole. Located on major and minor thoroughfares and, therefore, are accessible to and serve the entire community. Site design and buffering mitigate impacts of traffic, operations and scale on adjacent businesses and residential neighborhoods.

B-4: Freeway Interchange District - The purpose of this district is to provide for traveler-oriented commercial uses of the type frequently located at freeway interchanges

I-1: Industrial-Light -Promotes the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Industries should be operated in a relatively clean and quiet manner, and should not be obnoxious to nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities. The regulations of this district are intended to prohibit the use of land for industries that by their nature, may create some nuisance to surrounding properties.

I-2: Industrial-Heavy -Promotes the retention and growth of employment opportunities by providing areas where a broad range of industrial uses may locate and where options for complementary uses exist. Indented for heavy industries that, by their nature, may create some nuisance, and which are not properly associated with or are compatible with nearby residential or business districts, warehousing and wholesaling activities, and research facilities

Micro - (919) 284-2572

Town of Micro Zoning Districts:

(A) RA - Residential Agricultural: The purpose of this district is to create an area in which residential and agricultural uses can be compatibly mixed, achieving a healthful living environment for residents of the district and at the same time preventing the development of blight and slum conditions.

(B) R-15 - Single-Family Residential District The purpose of this district is to maintain a minimum lot size of 15,000 square feet and to allow for single-family dwellings and other compatible uses that would not be detrimental to this district, and to protect property in this district from the depreciating effects of more densely developed residential uses.

(C) R-10 - Residential District The purpose of this district is to provide a compatible mixture of single-family, two-family, and multi-family dwellings using adequate controls to ensure that high density residential development will not be detrimental to the neighborhood. .

(D) RMHP- Residential Manufactured Home Park The purpose of this district is to accommodate planned manufactured housing developments and to allow for other selected uses which are compatible with the intended residential character of this district. .

(E) CD - Downtown Commercial District The purpose of this district is to provide for new development, revitalization, reuse, and infill development in Micro’s core downtown. A broad array of uses is permitted to enable the needs of residents and visitors to be met. The development pattern seeks to integrate shops, restaurants, services, workplaces, civic, educational, and religious facilities, and housing in a compact, pedestrian-oriented environment. The Downtown Commercial District serves as the hub of the surrounding neighborhoods and of the broader community. The Downtown Commercial District may be expanded over time to meet the needs of the growing community for downtown facilities and services. Expansion of the Downtown Commercial District shall be contiguous and not separated from the primary district area. .

(F) CH - Highway Commercial District The purpose of this district is to provide for and encourage the proper grouping and development of roadside uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public, reduce highway congestion and hazard, and minimize slum and blight conditions. .

(G) LI - Light Industrial District The purpose of this district is to create and protect areas for industrial uses that do not create excessive noise, odor, smoke, dust, and that do not possess other objectionable characteristics which might be detrimental to surrounding neighborhoods or to other uses permitted in the district.

Pine Level - (919) 965-2284

HB:Highway Business District. The purpose of this district is primarily intended to accommodate retail service and distributive uses with high visibility and good road access, or which cater to passing motorists

RA:Residential-Agricultural. Provides areas for low-density residential development and agriculture in areas inside the Town of Pine Level.

RS: Residential Subdivision. Provides for existing residential subdivisions and the establishment of new subdivisions inside the Town of Pine Level.

RH: Single and Multi-Family Residential. Provides for a compatible mixture of single-family dwellings, and multi-family buildings and complexes inside the Town of Pine Level.

RH-SUD: Single and Multi-Family Residential Special Use District.

RMH: Mobile Home Residential. Provides areas for the location of mobile homes inside the Town of Pine Level.

C: Commercial. Provides areas for offices, services, and businesses inside the Town of Pine Level.

LI: Light Industrial. Provides locations for manufacturing, wholesaling, and warehousing uses which can be conducted without producing harmful effects on the citizens of the Pine Level area inside the Town of Pine Level.

LI-SUD: Light Industrial Special Use District.

Princeton - (919) 936-8171

R-1: Residential-Agriculture.

R-2: Residential Agricultural Watershed.

R-3: Single-Family Residential Watershed.

R-4: Residential.

R-5: Residential Watershed.

R-6: Mobile Home Park Watershed.

R-7: Single-Family Residential.

C-1: Highway-Commercial.

C-2: Highway-Commercial Watershed.

C-3: Downtown Commercial Watershed.

I-1: Light Industrial.

I-2: Light Industrial Watershed.

Selma - (919) 965-9841

R-10: Medium Density Residential. Provides for the development of residential neighborhoods at medium densities where public services are available.

R-8: High Density Residential. Provides for the development of a compatible combination of single-family and multifamily dwellings in areas which have public services and are suitable for high density development.

R-20: Low Density Residential. Provides for the development of a compatible combination of single-family and multifamily dwellings in areas which have public services and are suitable for low density development.

MHP: Mobile Home Residential. Provides for the development of mobile homes on individual lots and of mobile home parks in appropriate locations.

TR: Transitional Residential. Provides for the conversion of older homes from residential to office and very light commercial uses in order to encourage historic preservation and orderly transition in areas whose character is gradually changing from residential to commercial.

CB: Central Business. Provides for continued existence and enforcement of compact pedestrian-oriented development that will result in the most intensive, vital and attractive use of the town’s central business district. This district also allows for a limited number of dwelling units as assessor uses to principal commercial uses.

GB: General Business. Established primarily for those commercial centers town-wide or regional commercial needs, require large areas for display of goods and are not oriented to the pedestrian shopper.

IB: Interstate Business. Provides. Established to provide for the orderly development of land for appropriate commercial and lodging areas that serve the needs of the traveling public on the Interstate HWY 95 particularly at interchanges with major arteries leading to the town

NB: Neighborhood Business. Provides locations for small neighborhood-serving businesses and for l.

I-1: Light Industrial. Provides locations for those industrial uses which are likely to be compatible with most other types of uses in the town planning area.

I-2: Heavy Industrial. Provides locations for those industrial uses which will not produce harmful effects on the planning area if properly located, but which are likely, because of their characteristics, to be incompatible with other types of uses if improperly located adjacent to them.

SUD: Special Use District. For the districts enumerated in this section, there are hereby established parallel special use districts, designated by adding "S" to the general use district, pursuant to G.S. Section 160A 382. The city council may establish by ordinance various SUDs upon request or on behalf of all owners.

Smithfield- (919)934-2116

R-20A Residential-Agricultural District: The purpose of this district is to provide for areas where the principal use of land is for low density residential and agricultural purposes. The regulations of this district are intended to protect the agricultural sections of the community from an influx of uses likely to render them undesirable for farms and future residential development.

R-10 Single-Family Residential District. : The purpose of this district is to provide areas for conventional single-family neighborhoods. The regulations of this district are intended to discourage any use which, because of its character, would substantially interfere with the development of residences and which would be detrimental to the quiet residential nature of the areas included within this district. .

R-8 Single, Two, and Multi-Family Residential District:. The purpose of this district is to provide areas where a mixture of housing types are allowed, some as permitted and others as conditional uses, with proper review, site planning, and design controls. Planned unit developments are allowed in R-8 districts:.

R-6 High Density Single, Two, and Multi-Family Residential District:. The purpose of this district is to provide for older areas which have developed with a mixture of housing types at fairly high densities. Except in unusual circumstances, it will not be used in new areas, and additional property will not be considered for rezoning to this district.

R-MH Manufactured Home Residential District:. The purpose of this district is to provide areas in which the principal uses of land are single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings, and manufactured homes on individual lots. Multi-family dwellings and manufactured home parks are conditional uses in this district. .

PUD Planned Unit Development District:. A special district where multiple residential and commercial uses may be proposed and density and lot dimensions may be different from that stated above in trade-off for significant dedication of open space, alternative housing types, and affordable development. .

RHO Rowhouse Overlay District:. A district established to provide development standards for high density single-family residential areas which are in addition to those provided by the underlying zoning districts established by the Unified Development Ordinance. .

O/I Office/Institutional District:. A district designed for office/institutional uses at low to moderate densities and multi-family housing. This district should be used as a transitional zone between areas of conflicting land uses.

B-1 Central Business District. : The purpose of this district is to provide for those uses which can provide and contribute to a strong retail and service core for downtown Smithfield. .

B-2 General Business District:. The purpose of this district is to provide for those business areas adjacent to the downtown core as well as other intensive and extensive business areas in Smithfield. .

B-3 Highway Entranceway Business District:. The purpose of this district is to allow commercial uses with proper regulations and safeguards to promote the safe and efficient movement of traffic, and the orderly development of land along major arteries leading into Town, while enhancing and preserving the environmental and aesthetic qualities of these areas. The proper location, and development of the uses along these corridors will contribute to and enhance trade, tourism, capital investment, and the general welfare. .

LI Light Industrial District:. The purpose of this district is to accommodate commercial warehousing and light industrial uses which will be compatible with the Smithfield area and will not cause adverse effects for the area or adjacent uses.

HI Heavy Industrial District:. The purpose of this district is to accommodate commercial, warehousing, and heavy industrial uses which will be compatible with the Smithfield area and will not cause adverse effects for the area or adjacent uses. .

AD Airport District:. The purpose of this district is to ensure the appropriate location, design, construction, and maintenance of land uses compatible with air transportation facilities. .
OS Open Space District:. Areas of special public interest that should be placed in a zone protected from any permanent development. .

EC Entry Corridor Overlay District:. A district established to provide development standards for particular roadway corridor areas which are in addition to those provided by the other zoning districts established by the Unified Development Ordinance. .

WS-IV-CA Critical Area Overlay District:. The regulations applicable in this district are established under Article 11 of this Ordinance. .

WS-IV-PA Protected Area Overlay District:. The regulations applicable in this district are established under Article 11 of this Ordinance. .

Wilson's Mills - (919) 938-3885 ext# 25

AG: The Agriculture District (AG) is established to protect lands used for agricultural production, agriculturally based businesses and related activities. Farmland is a defining element of Wilson’s Mills traditional identity and the protection of these lands aids in preserving the character of the Town until such time as new development is preferred by the Town. Listed uses are limited, with an emphasis on uses that are agricultural in nature. Development density is very low to encourage preservation of agricultural lands while discouraging large lot residential subdivision type development and excessive septic system utility. The Agriculture District can also be used to preserve open spaces.

SFR-1, SFR-2, SFR-3:The Single-Family Residential Districts(SFR-1, SFR-2 and SFR-3) provide for the completion of existing residential neighborhoods and the development of new residential neighborhoods. Allowed building/lot types in the Single-Family Districts are Detached House. Listed uses are restricted to Single-Family, including duplex (two-family), homes and their accessory uses. Neighborhoods in these districts are the dominant land use in Wilson’s Mills and are a major element in defining the character of the community. Standards for the Single-Family Residential Districts promote that new development maintains the character of the community. The Single-Family Residential Districts permit the completion and conformity of conventional residential subdivisions already existing or approved in sketch plan form by the Town of Wilson’s Mills prior to the effective date of these regulations.

RMST: The Residential main Street Transition District (RMST) provides for neighborhoods in the residential area(s) surrounding the Main Street and contiguous Civic Districts. The intent of this district is to recognize that gradual transition from intense development to high quality mixed density residential development is needed to support the central core of the Town. Higher density residential development allows a greater number of households to walk or bike, thus supporting businesses while reducing the parking demand and providing environmental and health benefits. Allowed building/lot types in these districts are the Detached House, Attached House, and Multi-family Building. Streets in the Residential Main Street Transition District should be interconnected, with streets and sidewalks providing a connection from Wilson’s Mills Main Street and other mixed-use districts to the Single-Family Residential districts surrounding these neighborhoods. A range of housing types is encouraged. Criteria for the mix of building types establishes compatibility.

MS :The Main Street District (MS) provides for new development in establishing Wilson’s Mills’ core downtown. A broad array of uses is listed to enable the needs of residents and visitors to be met. Allowed building/lot types in this district are Urban Workplace, Shop-front, Detached House, Attached House, Multi-family Building, and Civic Building. The development pattern seeks to integrate shops, restaurants, services, workplaces, civic, educational, and higher density housing in a compact, pedestrian- oriented environment. The Main Street District serves as the hub of the surrounding neighborhoods and of the broader community. The Main Street District may be expanded over time to meet the needs of the growing community for downtown facilities and services. Expansion of the Main Street District shall be contiguous and not separated from the primary district area.

CIV: The Civic District(CIV) provides a location for educational, medical, governmental, religious, and other institutional uses. Large developments in the Civic District are encouraged to provide a master plan to the Town. Institutional uses in the Civic District are required to provide pedestrian connections on their campuses and, to the extent possible, develop an internal street system with structures fronting on the streets. Parking should not be the dominant visible element of the campuses developed for institutional uses. Providing a unique district for civic uses will establish uniform standards.

MU-1, MU-2: The Mixed-Use Districts(MU-1 and MU-2) are established to provide opportunities for both compatible and sustainable re-development where underutilized commercial properties already exist as well as infill sites where site specific land planning of new development creates opportunities for businesses and various housing designs can create uncomfortable pedestrian environments; however, with careful site planning these areas will allow a greater number of residents to walk or bike to businesses and services with an interconnected network of streets and sidewalks. Allowed building/lot types are Highway Commercial, Urban Workplace, Shop-front, Detached House, Attached House, and Multi-family. Dominant uses in this district are residential, retail and office. The Mixed-Use Districts are expected to serve Wilson’s Mills residents as well as persons who travel from surrounding communities. The development pattern in this district acknowledges the role of the automobile, with parking and access provided to promote safety for the motoring public. Development standards in the Mixed-Use Districts promote the creation of a pleasant pedestrian- friendly auto-oriented environment while enabling a compatible transition to use in adjacent neighborhood districts.

C-70: The US Highway 70 &I-42 Commercial District (C-70) is established to provide opportunities for compatible and sustainable development along the US Hwy 70 & I-42 corridor. Development standards in the US Highway 70 & I-42 Commercial District acknowledge that the automobile is the primary mode of transportation. Development and design standards encourage pedestrian scale development along a secondary street network serving larger projects. Goals of the US Highway 70 & I-42 Commercial District include providing a pleasant environment for motorists, a safe environment for pedestrians along the secondary network of streets and pedestrian facilities; promoting the safety of motorists and pedestrians; and preserving the capacity of the transportation network outside the core area as shown in the adopted Town Plan. Uses in this district include commercial goods & services, employment, and some limited industrial. Allowed building/lot types include Highway Commercial, Urban Workplace, and Shop- front.

CP :The Corporate Park District (CP) is established to provide opportunities for compatible and sustainable development within the employment centers of Wilson’s Mills. Development standards in the Corporate Park (CP) District acknowledge that the automobile is the primary mode of transportation. Development and design standards encourage pedestrian scale development along a secondary street network serving larger projects. Goals of the Corporate Park (CP) District include providing a pleasant environment for motorists, a safe environment for pedestrians along the secondary network of streets and pedestrian facilities; promoting the safety of motorists and pedestrians; and preserving the capacity of the transportation network outside the core area as shown in the adopted Town Plan. Uses in this district include office complexes, and limited commercial goods & services. Allowed building/lot types include Highway Commercial, Urban Workplace, and Shop- front.

VSR: Vehicle Service Repair District (VSR) is established to provide locations for specific uses that, due to their unique characteristics and importance to the community, and the traveling public, require different criteria and specifications than typical commercial development. Development standards in the Vehicle Service and Repair District acknowledge that the automobile is the primary mode of transportation in suburban communities and there is a vital need for such businesses to be located in close proximity to one another. Uses within the Vehicle Service and Repair District are buffered from adjacent uses. The dominant uses in this district are vehicle oriented and/or dependent and include vehicle-based services, vehicle repair shops and disabled vehicle storage areas. The Vehicle Service and Repair District is reserved for uses which require broad maneuvering spaces and avoid pedestrian interaction with potentially hazardous conditions. Goals of the Vehicle Service and Repair District include providing a pleasant environment for motorists, a safe environment for pedestrians along the network of streets and pedestrian facilities; promoting the safety of motorists and pedestrians; and preserving the capacity of Main Street and it’s interconnecting network of streets outside the core area as shown in the adopted Town Plan. Uses in this district include heavy commercial goods and services for motor vehicles, and some limited industrial. Allowed building/lot type is Highway Commercial.

IND: The Industrial District (IND) is established to provide locations for industrial uses that, due to the scale of the buildings and/or the nature of the use, cannot be integrated into the community. Uses within the Industrial District are buffered from adjacent uses. The dominant uses in this district are manufacturing and warehouse storage. Small scale manufacturing and storage that is compatible with less intensive uses can and should be located in other non-residential or mixed-use districts. The Industrial District is reserved for uses which require very large buildings and/or large parking and loading facilities.

TNDO: Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District (TNDO): provides for the development of new neighborhoods and the revitalization or extension of existing neighborhoods. These neighborhoods are structured upon a fine network of interconnecting pedestrian-oriented streets and other public spaces. Traditional Neighborhood Developments (TND’s) provide a mixture of housing types and prices prominently sited civic or community building(s), stores/offices/workplaces, and churches to provide a balanced mix of activities. A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) has a recognizable center and clearly defined edges; optimum size is a quarter mile from center to edge. A TND is urban in form, is typically an extension of the existing developed area of the Town and has an overall residential density of up to eleven (11) dwelling units per acre. TNDO districts should have a significant portion of land dedicated to improved open spaces, and reserve un-improved open spaces where environmentally sensitive areas are located.

SCO: The Scenic Corridor Overlay District (SCO): is established to protect the pastoral scenes and open spaces that provide a sense of arrival for residents and visitors traveling the major entrance roads and gateways to the Town. The pastoral scenes and undeveloped property along the entrance roads and gateways contribute significantly to Wilson’s Mills’ community character and sense of place. The Scenic Corridor Overlay District provides development options for the owners of the property abutting the entrance roads and gateways. The goal of this district is to protect the scenic value of the corridors through a mix of incentives and development standards. These standards will preserve the suburban character of the Town by maintaining the sense of a suburban corridor in an urban environment; provide an aesthetically appealing experience for those traveling the corridor; provide multi-modal transportation options for travel; and promote a safe transportation corridor for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

HIO: Heavy Industry Overlay District (HIO): is established to protect all environments from the negative impacts of certain activities and types of development. It is the intent of this district to provide and permit certain public and private heavy industrial uses and facilities that incorporate hazardous materials and/or scientific technology, including wholesale, distribution, storage, processing, manufacturing and production. However, it is required that industries in this district take all necessary actions including but not limited to installation of apparatus and technological equipment available to prevent negative impacts on the environment and the community from the emissions of smoke, dust, fumes, noise and vibrations and other activities and/or products resulting from such hazardous industrial activities in accordance with federal, state and local regulations.

MH: The Manufactured Home Overlay District (MH): is established to protect the standard of living and neighborhood conditions. Established standards that will enable the use of innovative manufactured homes with a higher aesthetic standard will invigorate these communities. Non-conforming manufactured home parks that have not received approval for continuation would be amortized over a period of time to allow the owner/operator to meet reasonable financial payback expectations in accordance with accepted practices in North Carolina. Existing parks could be limited to a lesser degree of fundamental standards and specifications, while new parks are required to meet a higher standard. These parks may be ideally suited for alternative designs such as Tiny House, Park Model and other styles of housing where installation standards are considered temporary. The overlay could be expanded to apply to permanent installations of innovative manufactured housing in subdivisions or parks in accordance with NCGS 160A-383.1.