Childhood immunizations are administered to children age birth through 18 years of age. Please call our clinic to schedule an appointment. A parent or legal guardian must accompany a child during their visit. Please bring your child's immunization record, and any medical insurance card you may have, with you so we can review and update.
Infants, school age children and teens need vaccines to protect them. Let's work together to immunize our children for a healthier future. Additional vaccines are available, based on your child’s age/need. For more information please call our clinic.
The Johnston County Health Departments Health Educators provide health education in our community through schools, industries, and day classes. Classes presently being offered are prenatal classes, newborn care classes, child safety, child discipline issues, and Nutrition Education classes.
For more information on this program, visit the CMARC.
Page last updated on: May 15, 2024