Johnston County Slave Name Index

As part of the Johnston County Heritage Center's Research Databases Project, we are happy to provide you with a searchable collection of the slave names registered in Johnston County. Most of the names are first names only. However, many of these names were written down phonetically, so the spellings differ. Consequently, one entry might have several different spellings.

Therefore, if you are interested in a particular name, such as 'Celia', you can enter 'Ce' in the name field and return all names that begin with 'Ce'. If you do not find what you are looking for with one search, try another with a different spelling or with fewer characters. If you find a typo, omission, or error in the data, please e-mail

Note:   Copies of slave records can be purchased online. For more information, contact the Heritage Center at

If you are interested in many of these names, you might be interested in obtaining a copy of one of the books or resources used as a source for the data. For more information, contact the Heritage Center directly. Thank you for your interest in Johnston County and our African-American heritage.

Click on the links below or simply scroll down to access the search functions:

Search for a First Name in the Slave Name Index

Enter the first name you are looking for. If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. (Note, though, that the fewer letters you enter, the longer your search will take).

Enter First Name:

Search for a First Name in the Slave Name Index (By Sound)

This search is intended for use when you are not sure of the spelling of the individual's name. You can enter all or part of the first name, as close to the spelling as you can guess.

Enter First Name:


Note on searching using an Owner Name:   You can use the two searches below to include owner name information in the search. In many cases the Owner field contains the former owner's name. Not all of the records include owner information, however. If you do not find what you are looking for by searching for both owner name and slave name, then use the slave name only search.

Search for a Owner's First or Last Name in the Slave Name Index

Enter the owner name (first or last) you are looking for. If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. (Note, though, that the fewer letters you enter, the longer your search will take).

Enter Name:


Search for a Slave Name and Owner Name Combination

Enter the name you are looking for. If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. You must enter a name in both fields. Do not leave either field blank. To search for just a slave or just an owner, use one of the above searches.

Enter Owner Name or portion thereof:

Enter First Name of Former Slave:

Return to Heritage Center's Main Page

Return to Slave Name Index

Information provided by Johnston County Heritage Center.
Please direct any questions, comments, or suggestions to
Thank you for your interest in Johnston County.