Johnston County Marriage Bonds, 1779-1867

As part of the Johnston County Heritage Center's Research Databases Project, we are happy to provide you with a searchable collection of the marriage bonds obtained in Johnston County between the years 1779 and 1867.

You can search by Groom last name, Bride's last name, or list the marriage bonds by year. If you do not find what you are looking for with one type of search, try another. If you find a typo, omission, or error in the data, please e-mail

You can purchase copies of the original marriage bonds online for $5.00 a piece. Or you can order copies directly from the Heritage Center at

Search for a Last Name in the Marriage Bonds

Enter the last name you are looking for. If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. (Note, though, that the fewer letters you enter, the longer your search will take).

Search for a Last Name by:  

Last Name: 


List Marriage Bonds by Year


Please direct any questions, comments, or suggestions to
Thank you for your interest in the Johnston County Heritage Center and the Johnston County Historical Archives.

Page last updated:  April 16, 2024