Rezoning / Special Use Site Plan Drawing Criteria
NOTE: All site plans must be drawn to scale by a registered land surveyor or certified engineer unless it can be drawn by the applicant in a detailed and legible manner and approved by Planning Department Staff. The site plan must include the following items:
- Must be drawn to scale with the actual scale used shown on the site plan.
- Lot lines and the length of each line. A survey of the property boundaries can be used.
- Location of the driveway.
- Location of the parking areas with each parking space shown and scaled.
- Show location of any outdoor lighting and note the type of lighting on the plan.
- Location of all landscape buffers.
- Show all fences, existing and proposed, and note the type of materials and height.
- Type of material used in the parking area and driveways must be shown or noted on the plan.
- Location of existing structures (to remain), proposed structures, including all accessory buildings.
- Location of well, septic tank, septic tank drain lines, and the length of the septic line. This information is on the Environmental Health Permit.
- Distance from the road right-of-way and any existing structures (to remain) or proposed structures.
- Driveway culvert size.
- Parcel number, subdivision and lot number, name and signature of site plan drawer, date, graphic scale.
- Other items may be required on the site plan as deemed necessary by Planning Department, Planning Board, and/or County Commissioners.