Johnston County Solid Waste

Johnston County, North Carolina
Solid Waste Department

Entrance to Convience Center

Report Illegal Dumping

Use the form below to report illegal dumping in Johnston County. Click the "Send Your Message" button when you are finished. Thank you for your interest in keeping Johnston County beautiful!

Approximate Address of Dumping:

Nearest Cross Streets:

Date of Incident:

Time of Incident:

Name of Person or Property Owner Dumping (if known)

Describe the Situation or Concern:

(Do not use HTML tags. Enter text only. Thank you.)

To receive a response to your submittal, please enter your full name and either your e-mail address or phone number (or both) below. You must enter either a phone number or an e-mail address.

Phone Number: 
E-Mail Address: 

(Make sure that your e-mail address is typed correctly. Either an e-mail address or a phone number is required.)

Security Question:

Notice: In an effort to combat Spam form submissions, you will need to answer the question below correctly to submit this form online. This allows us to determine that it is a human being completing the form and not a Spambot. Please type the answer as shown, but without any quotation marks. Thank you for your understanding.

Does a cow "meow", "bark", "moo", "oink", or "bray"?  

Thank you for your interest in keeping Johnston County beautiful!

Contact Us

Solid Waste Services

County Landfill
680 County Home Road
Smithfield, NC 27577


Page last updated:  May 7, 2021