Soil and Water Conservation

Johnston County, North Carolina

Tips for Coaches

Please e-mail any additional coaching tips to for inclusion on this list

Tips for coaching Envirothon team members

  • Use's image search to find pictures & photos of the species. Remember to be careful and check that the image the right species
  • Keep sessions 45 to 60 min. in length
  • Play games with information
  • Get parents to help
  • Start early
  • Preparing power point study presentation - slide show - students identify species.
  • Make flash cards - color picture on side facts on other
  • Take a hike for fun and knowledge
  • Hold a mini-envirothon before the real thing
  • Make learning the information as fun as possible (visuals such as posters & drawings)
  • Do Envirothon as an activity period function.
  • Search for Power Point Presentations on line on your topics
  • Read everything - reread and read again
  • Attend study sessions
  • Purchase shell and felt samples from Stoud's Fur Co.
  • Prepare for Forestry in September, while leaves are still available
  • Encourage students to purchase their own sets of wildlife notes and posters (Note: Wildlife Notes are downloadable from the PA Game Commission's Website)
  • Create games that the kids can use, but are fun and interesting
  • Make note cards out of 50 Birds & Mammals booklet
  • Matching activities (ex the pictures of the skulls with the name of the animal)
  • Cover all the material even if you are told that the material is non-testing

Tips for sharing Envirothon knowledge with other students at your school

  • Start an "Envirothon club" after school for the students who don't make the team
  • Bulletin Boards
  • Share what your teams are doing at the local Science Fair
  • Invite all interested students to join an Envirothon club, then pre-test to determine the Envirothon team members.
  • Post information in classrooms
  • Use materials in Science class
  • have guest speakers come in and speak to larger group