Census Records

Searchable Census Records

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Historical Census Data


1790 - 5,634 1850 - 13,726 1910 - 41,401 1970 - 61,737
1800 - 6,301 1860 - 15,656 1920 - 48,998 1980 - 70,599
1810 - 6,867 1870 - 16,897 1930 - 57,621 1990 - 81,306
1820 - 9,607 1880 - 23,461 1940 - 63,798 2000 - 121,900
1830 - 10,938 1890 - 27,239 1950 - 65,906 2010 - 168,878
1840 - 10,599 1900 - 32,250 1960 - 62,936 2013 - 177,967 (est.)

Click Here to view historical Census tallies for Johnston's towns.

Click Here to view historical Census tallies for Johnston's townships. 

Click Here to view latest published Census data about Johnston County.
(How to get the most out of the Census website)

Page last updated:  November 9, 2023