How to Vote - General Instructions

After you have registered to vote, you will be assigned a voting place within the precinct where you live. Your precinct will be assigned by the Board of Elections office when you register or change your address. You will receive a voter card before any election if you are a new voter or have made changes since the last election. The voter card will indicate the name and location of your voting place.

You may also call the Elections office at 919-989-5095 for the location of your voting place.

Transfer Voting

If you fail to change your address by the registration deadline, there is a procedure that allows you to vote. If you have questions regarding transfer voting contact the Elections office. To avoid delays on election day, change your address by the registration deadline.


At the Voting Place

On entering the voting place, give your name, address and party (primary only) to the election officials. If you are properly registered, you will be given a ballot to take to the voting booth.

Procedures for voting are as follows:

  • Complete the arrow to the right of the candidate (or question) for whom you wish to vote.
  • Mark only with the pen provided by the election official.
  • Be sure to vote both sides of the ballot.
  • After voting, deposit the ballot in the ballot counter.
  • If assistance is needed, please ask the precinct officials.

Curbside Voting

If you are unable to enter the voting place because of age or physical disability, you will be allowed to vote either in your vehicle or near the voting place. Have someone enter the voting place and inform the election officials of your desire to vote in this manner.

Handicapped Transfer Voting

Most of the precincts in Johnston County are handicapped accessible. However, if the precinct to which you are assigned is not accessible, on election day you may ask to be assigned to another precinct. You will need to go to your assigned precinct and get a handicapped transfer form. You must take that form to the assigned precinct which will be the Board of Elections Office, 205 South Second Street, Smithfield. Otherwise, you may vote a curbside ballot as described above.

Call 919-989-5095 if you need special assistance.

North Carolina TDD Relay:
Voice to TDD 1-800-735-8262
TDD to Voice 1-800-735-2962

For more information on how to vote, see:

Page last updated: November 13, 2023