Foster to Adopt

Foster Parenting

Are you interested in becoming a Foster Parent? Johnston County has a need for loving, caring, and nurturing homes. Contact us today at 919-989-5300. For more information about Foster Care in North Carolina, follow the link below:


Adoption is the method provided by law to establish the legal relationship of parent and children between persons who are not related by birth. It is also a coordinated set of services for the child, the child's biological parents, adoptive applicants, and adoptive parents.

The primary purpose of adoption is to help children, whose parents are unwilling or unable to assume parental responsibilities, to become part of a new family.


The goals of adoption services are to:

  • Ensure timely permanence for children through legal adoption
  • Ensure that each child, regardless of race, age, ethnicity, or handicapping condition, has an opportunity for placement in a permanent family
  • Support and strengthen the adoptive family
  • Provide services to all members of the adoption triad

All inquiries go through the DSS main number:

(919) 989-5300

This includes Food Stamps (FNS), Medicaid, Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF), Child Care, Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Parenting, Transportation, and more.

Report Child Abuse/Neglect

Email or Call 919-989-5442, or
After normal business hours, call 919-989-5000 and ask to speak with the on-call social worker.

Report Adult Abuse/Neglect

Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm (919) 989-5300.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call 911 or (919) 989-5000.

Domestic Violence

Call 911 or (919) 989-5000.