In Home Aide Services
This program provides personal care services to enable clients to remain in their home and to achieve or maintain a level of self-sufficiency. Referrals to this program may be made by social workers, family members, physicians, friends, or other service providers.
Individual Eligibility Requirements: Individuals 18 years of age or older who need assistance with personal care and home management tasks such as laundry, housecleaning, grocery shopping, etc., in order to remain at home.
Information Needed to Apply: Individuals will need to provide an address, social security number, and date of birth.
Costs: Client Donations
Contact: Johnston County Social Services, 919-989-5300
All inquiries go through the DSS main number:
(919) 989-5300
This includes Food Stamps (FNS), Medicaid, Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF), Child Care, Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Parenting, Transportation, and more.
Report Child Abuse/Neglect
Email or Call
919-989-5442, or
After normal business hours, call 919-989-5000 and ask to speak with the
on-call social worker.
Report Adult Abuse/Neglect
Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm (919) 989-5300.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call 911 or (919) 989-5000.
Domestic Violence
Call 911 or (919) 989-5000.