Search Department of Social Services (DSS)

Enter the keyword(s) you are looking for. You can enter up to four keywords. Each word or phrase you enter in each field will be searched for in that order. For example, if you enter 'chili dog' as your search term, it will find all instances of "chili dog." If you want to find all instances of 'chili' and all instances of 'dog', regardless of whether or not they appear together, then enter these terms into separate keyword fields.

If you want to search for part of a word, enter only the beginning letters. To search for a whole word, enter spaces on either - or both - sides of the word. For example, searching for 'test' would return 'testament' and 'detest'. Searching for 'test ' would return 'detest' and 'retest.' Searching for ' test ' would return instances of the word 'test' only.


All inquiries go through the DSS main number:

(919) 989-5300

This includes Food Stamps (FNS), Medicaid, Temporary Assistance Needy Families (TANF), Child Care, Child Protection, Adult Protection, Foster Parenting, Transportation, and more.

Report Child Abuse/Neglect

Email or Call 919-989-5442, or
After normal business hours, call 919-989-5000 and ask to speak with the on-call social worker.

Report Adult Abuse/Neglect

Monday through Friday 8 am through 5 pm (919) 989-5300.
After hours, weekends and holidays, please call 911 or (919) 989-5000.

Domestic Violence

Call 911 or (919) 989-5000.